About Dance Chronicle
Dance Chronicle is an independent, peer-reviewed journal published three times a year by Routledge, an imprint of Taylor & Francis. Founded in 1977 by George Dorris and Jack Anderson, Dance Chronicle is international in scope and interdisciplinary in vision, with an emphasis on historical research.
Aims & Scope
Dance Chronicle accepts submissions on any topic related to the field of dance within historical or contemporary contexts. Strong submissions situate their arguments within established and emerging conversations on the aesthetic, social, economic, and political dimensions of dance. The journal welcomes interdisciplinary articles and submissions not only from scholars of dance, but also from those working in related disciplines, such as theater and performance studies, cultural studies, ethnic studies, gender studies, and history. Our purview encompasses research rooted in humanities-based paradigms including historical and ethnographic methodologies; quantitative or scientific articles fall outside the purview of the journal. The editors welcome submissions of original, scholarly research, reviews of recent books, and proposals for special issues that address specific topics within dance studies. The journal facilitates an ethical and rigorous review process that supports authors to produce sound, well-written articles.
Editorial Board
Roles & Responsibilities
- Executive Editor handles communication with Taylor & Francis and with members of the advisory board; assists with assigning reviewers for submissions and editing articles; arranges meetings with editors.
- Editor in Chief assigns peer reviewers for submissions and edits articles.
- Associate Editors handle all correspondence and editing of book reviews and Witness/Experience submissions; occasionally submit reviews of article submissions.
Dance Chronicle embraces a capacious definition of dancing as ritual, social, and theatrical practices/knowledge. Accordingly, the journal seeks advisory board members who bring a diversity of perspectives/knowledge about a wide spectrum of dance practices, histories, and research methods. We ask board members to annually review a submission, to encourage a colleague or graduate student to submit an article, and to meet once a year to advise on journal policy and scope. Board members offer vital ideas for topics and/or editors for special issues and colloquies, and are occasionally asked to review books and/or submit Witness/Experience writing.
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